Saturday, June 5, 2010

Just shut your fricken gob okay?


Three days off from splendid pick n save sure did a world of good for Madame here. I feel clensed from the inside and out. Like my inner chi finally got set back on track. Or maybe its because i sat around on a rainy saturday watching movies such as Ferris Buellers day Off, Angus Thongs and Full Frontal Snoggin, Toy Story, and then Juno. Ah yes. Cable TV has never felt so good for my eyes.

Then my glorious friday night was a fantastical night filled with Texas Road House getting my necklace fixed talking alone with my lovely Ice Crotch, speaking with a british accent, weirding out Ice crotches baby sisters boyfriend, starting a fire, getting invited over for a sleep over by a mother who did not used to be very fond of me, drinking pleanty of wine of various tastes but after one-2 glasses go down i feel they all start tasting just as splendid as the others, then drunken banana grams which lead to staying up until three finishing off the bottle and then passing out on the basement floor next to my beautiful steel crotch as we listen to Ice crotches snores and how she even tends to hog the floor. Ah yes a great night filled with love and laughter with the two craziest lasses i know. Including myself. Ah yes and who could forget the Knitsex. I am just saying, it was quite hilarious at the time and it made me love my ladies more. Which is what we need just to know we are still bonded together. If i could marry them both legally without looking like A) a major lezzie B) it being against the law to be married to more than one person C) knowing there is no physical chemistry between the three of us (Which may be an understatment because Ice Crotch always finds a way to fondle our nungs with harsh hits). Then maybe i would actually consider marrying them. Our wedding would be grand. 7000 ppl would be there and love us all. What exactly do you wear to this? I'm not quite sure. But with that thought i shall go to bed.

Good night world.
Madame Mediocre