Thursday, October 21, 2010

The homecoming from hell

I wish I could be more excited to see the crotches, but i just can't be. The fact they are coming home on the weekend that has to be the same weekend that has to be the person that i dislike more than any other person's birthday weekend. Why this weekend? Why didn't you come home for mine? Why don't you see that it sucks way alot that you come home for this girl's who hasn't been there like I have for you. I understand yes, you will be friends with her because you were since highschool, but the things that that girl has said about me and you haven't defended me is way wrong. And the fact that you defend her when I start saying something bad sucks. It is the biggest double standard known to man and if I have to hear one more time that this weekend is just an effing coinsidence...I may slaughter the shit outta you. You both disappear from my life for months then don't come home for my 21 but you come home for hers. Wow. Great. I wish i could be excited to see you both but to be honest I am dreading it in ways. I don't wanna think about the reason you are here, granted I know I am not your main reason for your homecoming but honestly why her? I feel like our friendships are being ripped apart at the seams...I hate it. I hate that I don't want to tell them anything that is happening in my life anymore. Either because I know that one will get judgy and the other just doesn't give a damn.
I just ugh i don't want to deal.

And she invited sire to her birthday...He may go. Wtf is this world coming to?

1 comment:

  1. The one who will always be there, MARIEOctober 21, 2010 at 11:45 AM

    i love you!!! :)
