Monday, May 10, 2010

Ah yes, sometimes we all need 90's pop.

"Everybody! Rock your body...Everybody rock your body right...Backstreets back all right!!"

Yes. I blared this song driving down the highway getting strange looks from cars as i passed them by. Did i care? Well yeah slightly but when you are fist pumping attempting to drop it like its hot in the drivers seat of the car, its only acceptable for people to gawk at your hot dance moves. Hence, Madame should probably just be famous.

Today was actually successful. I don't even feel bitter, just joyus and happy. The sun shone and it was a little over 50 degrees which i guess is all you can ask for. Well i would ask for the day off and it to be 78 sunny with a slight breeze so i can car wash and lay amongst the black top turning the shade of a delicious cocoie brown. Eh i can dream can't I? I actually did something productive and talked to a college advisor and have an appointment to meet with her this Thursday.

We talked about my interests for school. I may go into a young education program... I figure teaching preschools will always keep me young and on my toes, and plus who doesn't love arts and crafts, counting and learning to read and share. Ah yes. I figure i will never be a famous actress or a writer that gets published, or the big dream of a back up dancer for Britney Spears or better yet becoming famous off of some celeb scandle, like throwing up in Paris Hiltons closet or being one of Jesse James many mistresses hehe but who isn't one of those these days...Just saying. I mean preschool teaching has its ups and downs. But i feel it would be a good run for me to try, and HELL what do i actually have to lose? I mean i come up with these grand ideas and don't follow through, pretty sure that makes me a pussy. There is no other way to put that. A pussy doesn't try, attempts the easy way out and doubts themselves before any steps are even taken and plan to fail before. And i no longer wish to be assorted in the pussy category.
Speaking of pussys...Sire and I had a very good heart to heart today. It was slightly insightful and made me feel like i am actually starting to get through his beautiful thick skull. We talked about how he is afriad to fail and how he just would like to play it safe. I told him he has alot of potential and alot to offer and to stop comparing himself to everyone else and just do things for himself to make him happier in life...I mean why sit and compare to people and wish you had what they have when you have the potential to get it too? Ah yes. This brought a slight tear to Madames eye and made her feel that much closer to the kind sire. I just hope he doesn't forget and keeps a positive attitude. Gosh this mood of lack of bitter makes me seem like such a sap! Like i am losing my nasty edge.

Oh i will give you nasty edge. Tonight at Sire's abode we played this game called "Banana Grams". Basically like scrabble with out the board and no points on words but you try to not have as many letters left as the other players playing. You start off with 21 one letters and every time you use all the letters you yell peel to grab another and the first one to use all the letters goes BANANAS! Well sire's little brother always wins. No matter what he always wins its insane. And he beat me by three points outta luck with the word Yert. A yert is a Wigwam. Rickin Fricken. Then later the lil brat comes and says "Madame tomorrow you should come over and i can beat you again at Banana Grams." Oh my. I however did not lose my cool but only had thoughts about choke slamming him and shoving all the letters of yert into terrible places so he would have to have them surgically removed. There i feel better about being soo sappy before now.

Time for bed world. I will update tomorrow as i feel this good mood to shall pass after working.
Madame Mediocre

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