Sunday, May 16, 2010

And 9 months later...

Well hello again my fellow readers. Sorry i haven't kept up throughout the weekend i was busy partying with Paris Hilton and kicking it with Areosmith. Well not that extreme but i did get to hang out with crotches this weekend as well as sire. The crotches always bring the best outta me...Or maybe the worst har har, but all I know is when I am around those two fine ladies I laugh until my spleen may explode. Ahh all the love surrounded by taco dip, 90's boy bands, gossiping, shopping steeling ones wanted purple iredesent shoes.... Man. Those two lovelys are my dearest besties, and I am not just saying that because they maybe the only two out there that read this. I like the fact that the three of us all bring something different to the table due to the fact that our personalities aren't even close to be alike, it always keeps me on my toes and ends up being a blasted good time.

Sire and I celebrated our 9 month annivarsary today. Pip Pip. No really I mean it is actually a good healthy thing for me, and it hasn't felt like that much time has actually passed at all. It's nice not getting sick of him, though yes sometimes he annoys me but i would rather have him in my life annoying me everyday than not at all...If that makes anysense? With our glorious foundation of 9 months ( I am pretty sure this is the longest i have gone without dumping and getting back together with a male ever in the history of dating) we had a lovely night friday where he cooked *gasped* and we did unreadable things, and watched wrestling. How romantic. There was a bottle of wine involved, though we had to share it with a fella named Goofer. Along with the cooked food... Ah but all the more company right? Today we went out to dinner at Culvers, though not the typical date spot everyone likes cheese curds, and saw the movie letters to Juliet. Ahh it made me wanna go to Verona Italy and see the wall. It was the cutest love movie I had ever seen. Way up there. Nicholas Sparks better watch out, thats all that i have to say.

So, something has been boggling my mind lately. Catholic religion has always been so very strict correct? Well, sire has been raised in that setting all his life and kinda hasn't followed all those rules or guidelines to being Catholic. He hasn't told his parents about us moving in together yet because he is afraid of the reaction of his parents since they are "strict" catholics. With that being said I am very afraid of once he tells them they will A) resent me B) Think I am living in a world of sin, though everyone has been raised differently and just because I am not Catholic doesn't mean I am not a christian and don't believe and everything like that C) Resent Sire and think he is living in Sin and what not. I worry about C mostly. But as all this is taking toll sire hasn't been the star kid of living up to the rules anyways...So perhaps I am overreacting and not giving them the benefit of the doubt. Which I hope is the case. But I need to keep believing and hope they will be as understanding as I know they can be...If not well I guess if things continue to grow and become more serious, Sire and myself may have to hit up Vegas. I just need to keep thinking positive and all will fall into place in time.

Well I need a rest.

Madame Mediocre

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