Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hello,Salut, Is anybody out there?

Welcome to the world of a suburb city in the state of Wisconsin. Ah Wisconsin, with our bad accents, love for cheese, alchohol (especially beer), our extreme hate for the Vikings and the Bears, known for cold winters, and our supposid achievement of being the number one state in dairy production (which that even these days is a toss up with the whole happy cows come from California Crap), and lets not forget the whole love for our very own Green Bay Packers (whom haven't done that well since the whole Brett Farve fiasco). Yes, that is where I am from raised here for 20 years. Don't get me wrong it is really a lovely place in the summer but in the slump of spring and the dead of winter, there isn't really alot of things ya can do dontchya know hehe. Well I suppose if your into ice fishing, snowmobiling, yard work and garage sailing then hey, you should be sold and move here immediately. But try being 20 and living here.

Being 20 is slightly the most annoying part about living in Wisconsin. Okay okay, maybe not if you are someone other than me, doing something productive with your life such as, going to college, living away from home, having a well paying job and hey doing your own thing. But lets face it twenty is ridiculous because I can sell alcohol but yet I can't manage to drink it legally, and with as much stress as I put on myself these days, a drink every once in a while may take the edge off. Oh I know, stress is a part of life Madame, it's apart of growing up taking on responsibility blah blah blah. Yes, I have heard this all before once or twice from Parents, annoying relatives, the obnoxious friends who feel being motherly and lecturing me is gonna get through my thick skull ( you know i love you regardless), co-workers, and even policemen who decide to pull you over because your license plates maybe just a tad over due (well not really a tad try 11 months but still mind your own damn business gimmie the ticket so you can reach your ticket quota and move on to the next person whose day you may just ruin). Maybe I'm slightly bitter. Yes, bitter is the polite way of putting it. Uptight, undies in a wad, in dyer need of a chill pill. That's me.

I am enrolled in college. Great. Right? Then why do i feel like its not paying off. Yes in the long run it pays off Madame. Okay Fantastic, but what if I am not completely sure what i want to do with the rest of my life and i feel like picking one major is just kinda a big deal to pour money into? "But if you take time off you may never go back." Is that a bad thing? People have made it with out college. I know I WILL however be one of those that does return. I just need sometime to air out my mind and figure out what the hell I want to do. I know I sure as hell don't want to be working at Pick N Slave for the rest of my life. Pick n Slave, ah yes, its a grocery store. I work in three departments at that grocery store...Doesn't that just show I can't just make up my mind at one thing?!?! Anyways. They call me either the "Jack of All Trades" or as i like to call it the Pick n Slave Whore that just tends to get around. I am there basically everyday of my pathetic 20 year old life. I know its money, jobs are hard to find in this economy...Yup. -Thumbs up-! Hooray for that. I realize I don't have it too bad, really I do. Maybe I'm taking things for granted, but hey venting is a normally thing to do for anyone. I have great people in my life. My Parents, sisters, relatives my two best friends whom i have a long distance relationship I will call them the Crotches with and my boyfriend. Lets just call him Sire.

Sire is great...Most of the time. I don't expect perfection all the time. Lately he just hasn't manned up. We are looking into getting an apartment right? It's very exciting i have all the cute kitchen gadgets and a George Foreman grill just aching to be used...But I have to keep putting it off because for one thing he doesn't have a car right now..Well that just makes him sound like a deadbeat when that isn't the case at all. He actually donated his car to a lady who was in more need of it then he was hence why he is great amazing, blah blah blah Madame don't make me puke on my computer screen. But him not having a vehicle means we can't get a place until he gets one and he is being soooo picky because he is such a yuppy with cars. "Oh it has to be nice and something I like and hopefully its European." What sort of unrealistic twenty year old man can afford a car payment on a European car? AND the insurance. I understand having a nice car would be great. But it isn't a reality unless A) Your parents buy it for you. B) You are loaded. C) You win it. None of these are in play for Sire here so he needs to just get real, settle for something nice, but not anything extravagant and just move on with it. Talking to him about this is like talking to a wall though. He's sooo stubborn and is pride gets in the way with everything. Men. I suppose i can hope for the best and things will eventually work themselves out. And if they don't and things get ugly I am officially switching teams. But I won't let that happen so for now i will just keep my hetero self under control with some binging on the finer foods such as chocolate and nerds while drinking various liquids that i maybe able to get my little paws on.

I wish patience came to me more naturally. Along with model good looks and being a daughter of Donald Trump. The first part I will work on. Well this was a fun first blog.

Madame Mediocre

1 comment:

  1. lol cat you crazy. yeah 20 is the worst age ever right after 19 lol, love wisconsin for what shes worth pretty soon you be in new york or somehting paying way to much for food and rent then you be bitching about that. hey tell your man to pony and get over, by some rusty chev truck and make it through the winter then plan on something nice, start small and work your way up, its a america baby get use to it. booze, ya need booze let me know i got your back its easy fo sho, no one likes model good looks they all anorexic so get your head outta your ass and live life for what it is you'll be happier that way.

    p.s. sometimes you cant get what ya want but ya get what ya need. and this is just the start of life so smile
